Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Renaissance Guy: the James Franco Series NYC

To me there is nothing more crazy making and confining than labels ; one or two words that we come up with to size someone up. Define them. Pigeonhole them into a box so that that they can be understood, processed. We are hugely multifaceted beings, with talents sometimes emerging all at once,sometimes time released style, sometimes sadly not at all if we overlook our interests and instincts. Every once in a while though, an artist emerges that transcends labels because they seemingly do it all, and do it well.Writer, painter, director and actor James Franco is one of those rare birds. Fearless,visionary, mercurial and boundary breaking, he moves to the beat of his own drum. He goes from perfect stillness to rapid movement and back again, laughs easily, stares intently and has an epicene quality that seems to laugh in the face of gender stereotypes. All the makings of a true art star.
James Franco photographed by Jean-Philippe Boucicaut

James Franco photographed by Jean-Philippe Boucicaut

James Franco photographed by Jean-Philippe Boucicaut

James Franco photographed by Jean-Philippe Boucicaut

James Franco photographed by Jean-Philippe Boucicaut

James Franco photographed by Jean-Philippe Boucicaut